
Jump to:  Research,  Tools,  Toys,  Coursework


Some of the things I've done in grad school. For a complete list of my publications, see my Google Scholar profile.
  • Force Push – Quasistatic robotic planar pushing with single-point contact using only force feedback to sense the pushed object.  [Paper]  [Video]  [Code]


Some small side projects that may be useful.
  • xacrodoc – Compile xacro files to URDF directly from Python (no ROS required).  [Code]
  • pyb_utils – Small utilities for PyBullet, including shortest distance computation, point-clouds from cameras, recording video, ghost objects, and more.  [Post 1]  [2]  [Code]
  • CppADCodeGenEigenPy – Compiled auto-differentiated code using CppADCodeGen combined with an easy Eigen interface and Python bindings.  [Code]
  • j – Jump to previously-visited directories by name. If there are multiple matches, the user selects the correct absolute path from a list. A cousin of z with a more obvious directory-priority algorithm.  [Post]  [Code]
  • xcp – A simple shell script to cut, copy, and paste files between directories from the command line.  [Post]  [Code]
  • s – A simple shell script for easily sourcing files from any directory.  [Code]


Some small side projects that may be fun.
  • Shadows – Small 2D games with computer-controlled opponents trained using reinforcement learning.  [Demo]  [Post]  [Code]
  • Multicell – A curses-based version of Conway's Game of Life that allows for multiple species of cell, written in Python.  [Code]
  • Revolutions – A simulation of bodies with gravitational attraction and elastic collisions in two dimensions.  [Demo]  [Code]
  • Fractals – A collection of fractals including the dragon curve, Sierpinski triangle, Mandelbrot set, and Koch snowflake.  [Demo]  [Code]


Some of the more interesting projects done for my undergrad courses.